An RTO intending to vary its current exemption can initiate the process by contacting ONRSR to discuss the intended changes to railway operations and exemption requirements.

How to apply

An RTO intending to vary its current exemption can initiate the process by using the Initiate Interest to Apply for Variation of Exemption Form to contact ONRSR to discuss the intended changes to railway operations and exemption requirements.

An ONRSR representative will be in touch to discuss the nature and scope of operations within three (3) business days.

On confirmation of the intended railway operations an application form will be provided to formally start the process.


Applications for variation of exemption are assessed in the same way as an exemption.

Variation of exemption is granted by the issue of:

  • a consolidated notice of exemption that incorporates the change to the particulars of the original notice of exemption; and
  • a cover letter confirming the extent of railway operations that the variation to the original exemption covers, providing the reasons for any conditions or restrictions imposed and addressing any other issues relevant to the commencement of railway operations under the exemption.

Initiate Interest to apply for Variation of Exemption

Last updated: Aug 24, 2021, 1:29:35 PM