Wednesday, November 4, 2020

ONRSR Guideline - Fatigue Risk Management

ONRSR has developed a Fatigue Risk Management Guideline to provide practical guidance to rail transport operators on how to manage the fatigue-related risks associated with rail safety work and set out ONRSR’s expectations for meeting the requirements of the RSNL.

The Guideline is an outcome of the work undertaken during the review of fatigue risk management arrangements under the Rail Safety National Law. It has been developed with significant input from an industry reference group comprising members from industry, ARA, RISSB, ATHRA and the RTBU.

Should you require any further information please contact Melissa Radke (Senior Manager, Safety Policy & Improvement) via email at or phone 0429 044 436.

Last updated: May 22, 2023, 11:16:43 AM