ONRSR endeavours to publish all its public presentations and other external case studies and papers it develops.

*View all items in either list or grid layout (whichever is your preference) by using the tabs below - or, alternatively, use the search function to find the specific presentation or case study you're looking for.

A national approach to rail regulation and performance
Jul 27, 2024

Presentation by Sue McCarrey at the 2015 AusRail conference in Melbourne

A risk management approach for the acquisition of defence capability presentation
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered by Rob Lewis, Director Sustainment Management on 22 November 2012.

Actions required to improve safe operations: PHA results and bow tie presentation
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered at a Road Rail Vehicle Workshop on 30 October 2012, outlining actions to improve safe operations.

Asset management self-analysis tool presentation
Jul 27, 2024

This initial consultation presentation was delivered by Peter Kohler and Andy Webb on 24 April 2013.

BOF 2015 - Branch Operations Forum presentation 2015
Jul 27, 2024

Branch Operations Forum 2015 - Derek Heneker - Central Branch Manager ONRSR - 9 December 2015

BOF 2015 - National initiatives and reforms: Overview - Melissa Radke - 9 December 2015
Jul 27, 2024

National initiatives and reforms: Overview - Melissa Radke - Acting Executive Director, Policy, Communications and Planning ONRSR

BOF 2015 - Risk Based Regulation presentation - Steve Bickley
Jul 27, 2024

Risk-Based Regulation - Steve Bickley, Director Safety and Risk ONRSR - 9 December 2015

BOF 2015 - RISSB Update - Paul Daly - 9 December 2015
Jul 27, 2024

Rail Industry Safety and Standards Board Update - Paul Daly - RISSB CEO - 9 December 2015

BOF 2016 - ARTC Presentation
Jul 27, 2024

ARTC presentation from the 2016 Central Branch Operations Forum.

BOF 2016 - Audit and Compliance Presentation
Jul 27, 2024

2016 Central Branch Operations Forum presentation

BOF 2016 - Central Branch Presentation
Jul 27, 2024

2016 Central Branch Operations Forum presentation

BOF 2016 - Level Crossings From the Road User's Point of View Presentation
Jul 27, 2024

2016 Central Branch Operations Forum presentation

BOF 2016 - Maintenance Safety Systems and Compliance at TasRail Presentation
Jul 27, 2024

2016 Central Branch Operations Forum presentation

BOF 2016 - Policy, Reform and Stakeholder Engagement Presentation
Jul 27, 2024

2016 Central Branch Operations Forum presentation

BOF 2016 - Strategic Planning and Communications Presentation
Jul 27, 2024

2016 Central Branch Operations Forum presentation

Delivering Safe Projects: IRSE Technical Conference
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered by Andy Webb, Head of Strategic Projects at the IRSE Technical Conference on 20 March 2015.

Derailments and the Regulator presentation
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered by Peter Doggett, Executive Director National Operations on 28 April 2015.

Facilitating innovation in Australia’s heavy haul rail operations presentation
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered by Simon Foster, Executive Director Technical on 27 August 2014.

Hi-rail – A John Holland perspective presentation
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation by Michael Rogers, Chief Engineer at the Road/Rail Vehicle workshop on 30 October 2012.

Human elements of system safety: Fatigue risk management presentation
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered by Jennifer Alcock, Human Performance Specialist to RTOs as a part of the Safety Improvement Projects on Human Factors and Fatigue between March and June 2014.

Introduction: Asset management workshop presentation
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered by Len Neist for the Introduction to Asset Management Workshop on 4 April 2012.

ITSR road/rail vehicle workshop: V/line hi-rail project presentation
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered at the ITSR Road/Rail Vehicle Workshop on 31 October 2012, providing an overview of Road Rail Vehicle usage in V/Line, experiences, weaknesses and strengths to improve Road Rail Vehicle prognosis.

Light rail regulation and standardisation presentation
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered by Simon Foster, Executive Director Technical on 6 March 2015 at the ARA Light Rail 2015 Conference.

National Rail Safety Data Strategy Consultation sessions - Oct-Nov 2020
Jul 27, 2024

Oct-Nov 2020 - Industry consultation sessions

National Rail Safety Data Strategy Information session - April 2021
Jul 27, 2024

April 2021 - Industry Information Session

Presentation CQU Rail safety Course 22 January 2014
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered by Rob Andrews, Chief Executive and National Rail Safety Regulator, to university students at the Appleton Institute on 22 January 2014.

Presentation for web Victorian HS Week 2014 21 October 2014
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered by Jennifer Alcock, Human Performance Specialist at the Victorian Workcover Authority for Health and Safety Week on 21 October 2014.

Rail Safety 2014 presentation
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered by Rob Andrews, Chief Executive and National Rail Safety Regulator at the RISSB Safety Conference on 27 March 2015 outlining reflections on a year of ONRSR.

Rail Safety 2015 presentation
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered by Sue McCarrey, Chief Executive on 26 March 2015 at the Rail Safety 2015 Conference.

Rail Technical Society of Australasia (RTSA) (Victoria and Tasmania Chapter) presentation
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered by Rob Andrews, Chief Executive and National Rail Safety Regulator, to the Rail Technical Society of Australasia (RTSA)(Victoria and Tasmania Chapter) on 12 June 2013, introducing ONRSR and covering its approach to regulation, operations, risk based regulation and next steps.

Risks associated with hi-rail vehicles on the rail network presentation (V/line)
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered by Kirsty Baxter, Manager, Compliance Strategy & Planning on behalf of Transport Safety Victoria.

RISSB Rail Safety Conference presentation
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered by Rob Andrews, Chief Executive and National Rail Safety Regulator, at the RISSB Rail Safety Conference in March 2013, introducing ONRSR and covering regulation under the new law, the challenge of national consistency and next steps.

Road rail vehicles from then till now presentation (Laing O'Rourke)
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation of a history of 'Road rail vehicles from then till now' was delivered in Sydney on 30 & 31 October 2012.

Road/rail vehicle safety follow-up workshop presentation
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered by Adrian Rowland at the road/rail vehicle safety workshops in May 2013 in Brisbane, Sydney and Adelaide.

Road/rail workshops presentation
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered by Lindsay Holt, Rail Safety & Compliance Manager road/rail vehicle workshops during May 2013 in Brisbane, Sydney and Adelaide.

RRV safety improvement
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered at the RRV safety improvement workshop held in Adelaide on 14 October 2013.

RTSA National Conference presentation
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered by Rob Andrews, Chief Executive and National Rail Safety Regulator on 4 December 2013 at the RTSA SA Chapter AGM & Dinner, providing summary on the first year of ONRSR.

Standards - Regulator view presentation
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered by Andy Webb, Acting Head of Strategic Projects on 27 November 2014 at the ASA Standards Briefing.

The development of the ONRSR Annual Safety Report presentation
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was made the RISSB Safety Managers Group as consultation on the development of the ONRSR Annual Safety Report.

Units of competency for RRV operations presentation
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered by Rae Fossard, Senior Training Package Specialist - Rail at Road/rail vehicle workshops in May 2013.

Women in Rail presentation
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered by Julie Bullas, Executive Director, Policy, Communications and Planning at the Rail Track Association Australia Field Day on 25 February 2015.

Workshop on road rail vehicles presentation (John Holland)
Jul 27, 2024

This presentation was delivered by Alan Ross, National Rail Safety Manager at ITSR workshop.

Last updated: Aug 13, 2021, 11:31:15 PM