Friday, November 26, 2021
ONRSR is asking those rail transport operators (RTOs) – with Network Control centres – to ensure network controllers are properly trained in the event of runaway incidents.
Specifically, the national regulator wants to see RTOs review risk assessments associated with the training and competency of network controllers to ensure they know the explicit actions required to mitigate and/or manage such occurrences.
ONRSR’s concerns stem from several runaway incidents that have occurred in recent years in a range of locations across the country. While the circumstances of these are naturally many and varied, on each occasion the need for network controllers to be better trained for these situations has been highlighted as a follow up action.
Not only should these training programs be reviewed, and any shortcomings addressed as soon as possible, but steps should also be taken to ensure network controllers are consulted and then provided with training and instruction on any new rail safety work practises, procedures and policies.
Runaway incidents are among the most serious safety incidents that can occur on a rail network and have the potential to result in serious injury and fatalities among both rail safety workers and members of the public.
To ensure operators are managing this risk So Far As Is Reasonably Practicable, ONRSR has been, and will continue to, focus on network controller competency via its national work program which sees it conduct interactions with all accredited rail transport operators around the country each year.